The Genetic Pathfinder

About Us

Tempogene is a solution provider for sustainable aquaculture and food safety. The company supports its commercial services by contemporary expertise and long standing experience in these fields and by employing next generation sequencing technology and bioinformatics to advance  breeding and productivity and to safeguard food and beverages.

The company holds leading expertise within genomics, epigenetics, bioinformatics and molecular food safety  and is located in contemporary lab and office facilities in ShareLab, Oslo Science Park.

Our History & Vision

Our vision is to contribute at enhancing quality and sustainability in aquaculture and consumer safety in the food value chains, employing leading expertise and experience in said fields together with the application of emerging novel methods within next generation sequencing, epigenetics and bioinformatics.

The company was founded in February 2018.

Products & Services

Epigenetic signatures

Our epigenetic signatures are based on proprietary integrated processes within next generation sequencing technology and bioinformatics. The signatures respond to production regime and reflect the biological integrity of the fish at important life phases. Hence, this is a tool pack to assist breeding, productivity and the building of consumer trust and brands.

DNA/RNA Sequence-based Diagnostics

Microbial sequences and resulting reported products are generated with next-generation sequencing and adequate bioinformatics. The ambition with our products is to assist commercial suppliers to provide documented safe food and beverage products, including also public suppliers of water. In addition, we aim at providing assistance to supervising authorities in these sectors.


Tarjei Lie

Tarjei Lie

Co Founder, CEO, Chair & Business Develop

MBA Insead
Senior Vice President
Strategy & IT Hafslund
CEO SverigesEnergi
CEO Storebrand Baltic

Øystein Lie

Øystein Lie

Co Founder, CSO, Genetics Aqua/Marine

Prof emeritus
Molecular genetics
Former dean NMBU
Founder of GenoMar

Per Einar Granum

Per Einar Granum

Co Founder, CSO, Mol Food safety

Prof emeritus
Molecular food science
Former pro dean NMBU

Helge Christoffer Høgberg Hansen

Helge Christoffer Høgberg Hansen

Lab and IT Manager

MSc Molecular biology
Lab Engineer, NMBU

Audun Slettan

Audun Slettan

Strategic partner Genetic analysis and Test Systems

Prof, PhD
Univ Agder
Co Founder GenoMar

Morten Mattingsdal

Morten Mattingsdal

Strategic partner Bioinformatics

Postdoc, PhD
Univ Agder

Erling Olaf Koppang

Erling Olaf Koppang

Advisory Board

Prof, PhD

Egil Brækken

Egil Brækken

Advisory Board

CIO Hafslund

Hogne Tyssøy

Hogne Tyssøy

Advisory Board

Co Founder Holberg Triton
Manager Client Relations
Holberg Funds

Kaja Helvik Skjærven, PHD

Kaja Helvik Skjærven, PHD

Board Member

Prof, PhD
Institute of Marine Research

Science & Techonology

Sigbjørn Lien

Professor, Chair CIGENE, University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway

Matthew Peter Kent 

Associate Professerm Univeristy of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway

Gunnar Klemetsdal 

Professor, University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway

Harris A Lewin

UC Davis, Chair Earth Biogenome Project (EBP)

Kjetill Jacobsen 

UoOslo, Pioneering the cod genome, Chair EBP Norway

Tom Gilbert 

Uo Copenhagen, Leading hologenomics and evolution,  Board EBP

Theodorius Meuwissen 

Univ Life Sci, Ås, Pioneer High resolution mapping and genomic selection


Tarjei Lie

Tarjei Lie


Øystein Lie

Øystein Lie

CSO, Applied Epigenetics

Per Einar Granum

Per Einar Granum

CSO, Molecular Diagnostics